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Visions of the Past and Future

The other night, me, N, and T went to The Last Thursday Festival deep in the bowels of Portland. The streets were decorated with exotic vendors , food carts, vittles and other various oddities that would be much more difficult to describe. We had numerous awkward/very weird encounters with the locals, which included fireaters,pot-junkies,dancing randos, and people I'm not quite sure how to classify. We were also lucky enough to stumble upon the next Justin Bieber who was busy exhibiting mad game on the dance flo. (as shown in exhibit A)
However, aside from the absolutely outstanding wheat-free/vegan treats we consumed at a cafe that was sporting Camille's spirit-animal, the most memorable event of the night happened to be a spur of the moment thing. Attempting to give my overwhelmed brain a brief respite from the tidal wave of sensory distractions, I gazed into a lonely corner of the street and my eyes fell upon a ominous looking woman ,shrouded in black, and adorned with piercing hazel eyes that seemed to fracture the very framework of the chaotic atmosphere. Although aware of the obvious danger of approaching such a foreboding creature, we were inexplicably
drawn towards her. As we approached her humble table, we quickly learned she was a Tarot card reader. Eager to satiate our burning curiosity, we eagerly sat down and asked if she could demonstrate her trade. I was taken aback to hear a sweet and melodious voice flow from such a calloused looking individual, as she kindly asked T to shuffle and separate the cards herself as T was concentrating on the events or people she wanted insight on. After T was done receiving her reading, she practically glowed with excitement her from newly acquired knowledge concerning the events of her past and future. Encouraged by T's positive experience, I hesitantly edged up to her table and took a tentative seat in the moth eaten sport's chair. As I separated the cards into five piles, I was trying to follow her instructions and focus on the one issue preoccupying my consciousness. However, with each pile of cards i put down, a different face of a new person surfaced in my mind's eye. Immediately after finishing my separation, the woman gasped and said, "my goodness, I'm getting multiple people in these cards..It seems that you act as high priestess over three people in your life that hold great influence in your life. it is thereby your job to just let them be and to exist as they are. Let it be what it is and nothing more...hmmm this first person is foremost in your mind... very immature,insensitive, and self-centered... no, no not good for you at all... though he shows some promising traits he is very different from you. Let him be himself and you be you. This second person is more of an authority figure, he is very wise because he has seen much hardship and suffering in his life and you look up to him, not so much as an idol, but a friend. Interesting. This third person is also slightly immature but is more sound in his beliefs and very solid. He's willing to work at the relationship he has with you but he's still very immature, but again, more sound and creative than the first person. It is your job as high priestess to let them be who they are, accept them, but you really just need to focus on you and let these people work themselves in your life as they wish.Wow. Very Deep, very introspective. I still don't really know who is who... but I'll just let ya'll ponder that on your own. Mainly, what I took away from this enlightenment, was that apparently, I am a High Priestess with lots of issues.


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