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View from Nussbaum

Well summer 2010 in Oregon has come to a close, replaced so swiftly by an autumnal season on the eastern seaboard that it's hard to believe it's already here. Not only have our living conditions been drastically downsized from a spacious mad-house with fully stocked kitchen to a humble walk-through double containing little more than my clothes and L's cliff bars, but the climate has skyrocketed as well. A heat advisory warning is in effect for New York City, which is an official way of announcing that only the strong will survive our workouts this week. The cross country team has been reduced to running, eating, and napping machines, stripped of most personality due to other activities' effects on precious fluid retention. Conversations are slowed, social gatherings are limited (except in air-conditioned suites) and plans exist only to the extent of where am I going to get water/Gatorade/coconut water and how can I avoid going outside.

But I'm not here to write about the weather. With the new school year comes plenty of developments, including new teammates, new neighbors, and...God, it's so hot I can't even think.

To update on the summer: Ducati left the country for Spain the day after L left for New York. He told his dad there was no point to stay any longer now that she was gone. Will they meet again? From my informed, yet un-emotionally swayed position, the question isn't will, but when. I got sucked in by one of those annoying, overly-friendly and ridiculously persistent promoters today and have now committed to getting my hair cut, conditioned and "glazed" downtown sometime before March. I honestly don't know how he got me so cornered that I forked over my debit card and signed the paper but I've been regretting it ever since. L has agreed to come with me though, as it also comes with color and highlights (transferrable to a friend) and I refuse to let dye anywhere near my head. I suppose I'll update on that stressful experience when the time comes. I hate putting my trust in a grinning stranger with scissors.

Tomorrow morning's workout will be a challenging one, but should be rivaled by the evening workout (a.k.a. grindfest) that will come to be known as Freshman Party 2010. The freshman girls exude anxiousness and curiosity, as well as an obvious love for getting down that promises to keep things very interesting, not only for Friday night, but for the reunion Sunday morning. Freshman boys are in ample supply and most of the team that was not in yet arrives today or tomorrow, so conditions are lining up perfectly.

Considering the characters in this years crew, I can that guarantee that hilarity shall ensue.