The only inkling of an explanation came in our first post: as you will soon see, V stands for a lot of things...
Something intangible appealed to us about the letter V. Not only does it take after my favorite core exercise (the V-sit DUH), but L was convinced it had something to do with being feminine. From Venus the goddess of love to the universal sign for peace, the open bloom of the letter V offers unbounded potential and virtue. The Roman numeral for five invites logic and a penta-layer explanation. Then again, why stop at five? This summer, V has been a means of commemorating our ventures and vacations. It has been an outlet for our vices, vendettas, and even vapors. And at the end of the day, it is my goal that it stands for voice, vision, and virtuosity. As the fall season begins and our living quarters shift approximately 3,000 miles east and 9 stories up, the view will vary, the tempo will pick up along with the pace of life, and the voice will likely assume an increased sense of urgency. We'll continue to project weird humor, random wisdom and strong opinions, but hopefully for the collective benefit of our track sisters. In what ways, I'm not exactly sure, but in the same way that I didn't know everything that V would stand for, I'm sure we will figure it out. Whatever the team needs, V can be that.
To all of our new readers--welcome. Thanks for taking the two seconds to check us out. Peruse, become a follower, give feedback...I don't know where V-blog is going but I'm getting some very good vibes.
this is the funniest blog on the net. please never stop.