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I just signed on to check out L's "awesome" blogpost that she finally completed last night before falling asleep on my bed, my laptop clutched in her arms. I was too busy pouring her into bed (not to mention I was exhausted myself) to notice anything about the post last night. I was then too preoccupied to examine it today...until now.

My first reaction was to smack L for posting that ridiculous photo of me asleep on the car ride back from Manzanita, but the fact that my nail polish is still drying prevented me from giving her the adequate beating that she deserved. I suppose I should have taken a picture of her last night, or the night before, or the night before, or the afternoon before (as she routinely--and MUCH more often than me--falls asleep in hilarious postures) and wielded it over her for blackmail purposes. But of course, I am not as malicious in my everyday intentions as L is.

Anyhoo, in the event that people have already seen this picture, I'll assume the forgiving attitude that it is all in good fun and rather than sheepishly removing it, I'll leave it up for your viewing pleasure. Just know that L has got one coming for her. It will not be difficult for me to return the minor humiliation ten-fold. Also, Leila, regardless of the clever, though not necessarily fitting "Berg" pun with the world "burglary," I would like to remind you that the word still would not contain the letter U. And you go to an Ivy League....

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