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The Power of Vernacular: The First Official Publication.

Long-time-no-updates.sorry. I've been busy writing other stuff. Here's a glimpse at some of the stuff I've been doing. (Below is a posting I wrote for the company I'm interning for this summer:)

Unveiling the Gender Gap.
"Our wildly capable intern Leila reviewed “The Male Brain” and “The Female Brain” by Dr. Louann Brizendine. "
Have you ever wondered why women are more verbally fluent or how females seem to recall details of arguments that their male partners don’t seem to ever recall? These, (along with countless other gender-gaped conumdrums), have finally been answered!
Dr. Louann Brizendine’s literary masterpieces :“The Male Brain” and “The Female Brain”— work gently to unveil the once-elusive shrowd of illogical mystery behind female-wiring without compromising the basic-blueprinting behind a more jagged-edged jigsaw puzzle that is the male brain. In her “Male Brain” book, Dr. Louann effectively demonstrates through every phase of life, that the “male reality” is actually shockingly-different from the feminine one. Without forgetting to address even the latest psycho/nuerology breakthroughs— Brizendine uses her witty and refreshingly simplistic dialogue to reveal simple laws of nature—such as: a male-brain is mostly like a comprehensive problem-solving vat. For example, when men are confronted with a personal issue, they facilitate their analytical brain structures (rather than the more emotional ones of women), to devise a quick-effective solution. In addition, males also tend to feed off of competition—-males are, by nature, physically rough and instictually-consumed by personal rank and hierarchy. Also, (unsurprisingly) we learn that men’s cranial region devoted to sexual-pursuit is two and a half times larger than their female counterparts. (Also, due to the massive increase of testosterone in the male brain at puberty, men perceive others’ faces to be more aggressive.) Impeccably researched and at the cutting edge of scientific knowledge, this is a book that every man, and especially every woman bedeviled by a man, will need to own.
Now New York Time’s Best Sellers, Dr. Louann’s books offer two new comprehensive looks at the biochemical roller coaster that rules men’s and women’s lives down to the cellular level. They prove again and again to be user’s (and non-users) guides to new insight on the research about female vs. male brains and the neurobehavioral systems that make us unique. Even though the books are referenced like works of research, Brizedine’s down-to-earth writing style is fully comprehensible. While Brizendine provides fascinating looks at specifics—like the complex life-cycle of a woman’s brain from birth to birthing (“Motherhood changes you because it literally alters a woman’s brain-structurally, functionally, and in many ways, irreversibly”) to menopause (when “the female brain is nowhere near ready to retire”) and beyond; it’s refreshing to know that at the same time, Brizedine proves she is not above covering the basics.
Although Brizendine establishes that males and females are starkly different on a cellular level— we still prove quite capable of possessing both male and female qualities. For example, I’m willing to bet that you have no shortage of personal examples of women you know who would start world wars over coffee or would have no quams over slitting a few throats in a boardroom. And believe it or not, there are also plenty of examples of men who are gentle and nurturing and care more about the environment and poverty for the earth and its inhabitants.
Interestingly, for the first time in history, more women occupy the working world than their male counterparts. Currently, females make up fifty-three percent of the professional /managerial positions. So what’s causing the shift? Recent studies prove that if women’s values were more widely accepted, the world would be a far kinder place. We would understand our profound interdependence, and know that the good of one is inextricably bound to the good of all others. It’s completely understandable considering humanity’s sick of an ego-based environment that always leads to testosterone-spurred warfare leaking with old money and dirty politics. For years the majority of the female population is aware of the fact that these manly-values have inevitably driven our society into the dirt (eventually making life unlivable for future generations.)
For example, did you know that over ninety-percent of incarcerations are male? As Bezentine proves, males are programmed to act on behalf of their aggressive nature. The male hormones, androgen and testosterone combined with physical strength and toxic male-cultural mandates such as the societal conditioning of men to avoid tender feelings creates an evolution of an economic system that rewards competition rather than co-operation. These factors, along with others, have fused in such a way that muted aggressors translated from a patriarchal society has ultimately atrophied humanity’s skills of relations, spirituality, and emotional perspective that would facilitate actualisations of productive communication and problem-solving practices.
So what would the world look like if the world was run by women? Well, for one thing, world leaders might open conferences with peaceful questions instead of antagonizing accusations. For example, we might hope to mimic the peaceful Masai tribes of Africa and greet each other with one of their simple greetings—“How are the children?” Interestingly, most of these Musai leaders are mothers, so their ambitions were centered around the well-being of their “children”—rather than personal gain and political “ladder-climbing”. If a Musai leader could not answer with the expected response: “The children are well,” she would start formulating a plan during the conference in which the world where her “children” lived would be suitable for their needs.
While it remains to be said that the world still needs both male and female energy (both yin and yang) to remain a whole personality. We need the male courage, power, protection and frankness to balance out the female nurturing, listening, feeling, taking in and holding. With that being said, the world still has been extremely overwhelmed with aggressive energy for too long. What is happening now in the global power shift—is more of a strive for balance. Either way, Dr. Brizentine’s books are inspiring and more than informative (while still incorporating cutting-edge scientific knowledge) making these books a beachside read that every man, (and every woman bedeviled by a man), needs to read!

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