So it occurred to me last night in the shower (yes, the shower), that social media--America's latest obsessional vice-- (blogs, Facebook, twitter, etc..) are so appealing and practically viral because of the post-modern shortage of recognition, love, and human-need of individual expression (unless you happen to be a celebrity.)
It's no wonder--as I look at the population in general--barreling to lunch or commuting to work--people don't even wanna look at you--much less hear about what you had for breakfast, who wrote on your Facebook wall last night, or you that you're against Obama's latest foreign policy. These sites--these modes of expression--are no more than a desperate, and to some degree--even narcissistic method of giving us a false sense of being wanted, connected, popular and loved (hey, obviously I'm guilty of it too.)
The funny thing is--is even though I know all this is true--I still can't help but like to think every time I put up a new blogpost--someone out there is avidly hanging on my every word ( practically drooling over a computer screen, waiting to hear about my life as if I'm some sort of fictional misunderstood-hero of a best-selling novel ha.) The truth of the matter is--no one actually cares--save a few. It's funny, because I realize my blog has really just become a therapeutic diary-of-sorts..something that I can look back on and say"oh, yeah...I remember when that happened and I felt that way.."

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
— William Shakespeare (As You Like It)
I also realized that all I really wanted out of life was to love and be loved (as cheesy as it sounds). All the adventures along the way are just taking joy in experiencing the world and all it has to offer..but it doesn't mean anything unless I can share my wonder/experience/feelings with someone. And so ( from all this deep-soul-searching stuff...naturally I started googling ha.) What I found were a couple of chilling quotes from some pretty cool people...
It's no wonder--as I look at the population in general--barreling to lunch or commuting to work--people don't even wanna look at you--much less hear about what you had for breakfast, who wrote on your Facebook wall last night, or you that you're against Obama's latest foreign policy. These sites--these modes of expression--are no more than a desperate, and to some degree--even narcissistic method of giving us a false sense of being wanted, connected, popular and loved (hey, obviously I'm guilty of it too.)
The funny thing is--is even though I know all this is true--I still can't help but like to think every time I put up a new blogpost--someone out there is avidly hanging on my every word ( practically drooling over a computer screen, waiting to hear about my life as if I'm some sort of fictional misunderstood-hero of a best-selling novel ha.) The truth of the matter is--no one actually cares--save a few. It's funny, because I realize my blog has really just become a therapeutic diary-of-sorts..something that I can look back on and say"oh, yeah...I remember when that happened and I felt that way.."

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
— William Shakespeare (As You Like It)
I also realized that all I really wanted out of life was to love and be loved (as cheesy as it sounds). All the adventures along the way are just taking joy in experiencing the world and all it has to offer..but it doesn't mean anything unless I can share my wonder/experience/feelings with someone. And so ( from all this deep-soul-searching stuff...naturally I started googling ha.) What I found were a couple of chilling quotes from some pretty cool people...
"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her.
It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.
Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.
If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive."
While I'm on my cheese-puff soap box...check out the YouTube clip featured below (if you haven't haven't already)--for some reason it's become an inspiration-of-sorts the song is bomb. ("Got Nuffin"- by Spoon)
NOTE: I'm not saying I have (or ever will/am supporting) ramming one's car into suburban homes unannounced...I just like the vibes.