AHHHHH..Nothin' like riding the subway home from work after yet another "rowdy" (negative connotation) week with nothing to look forward to but a lonely 48 hours; overflowing with the prospect of laundry and solitary writing. I enviously eyed the general buzz wafting through my subway car; absorbing the electric chatter of home-bound school children and Wall-street twenty-somethings. Heck, even the corporate-zombies' with pre-maturely-creased eyes were dribbling positive vibes!ugh.
"110th street. Next stop is 116th: Columbia University."
Awkwardly stumbling out the car, I walked into the blinding sunlight pouring down the bruised subway staircase. Having absolutely no plans, I slugged through groups of boisterous frolic; finally lulling to a stop at 113th street. 'Change light. CHANGE.'
Just then a robotic-voiced lady screeching from the depths of purse announced, "Message from: VIDG-STER."
(I'm still a little creeped out that my free piece-o- shit phone from Verizon actually speaks words.)
Anyway, long story short... Vidgester randomly invited me over to her house for the weekend. SCORE.
The next morning I woke up and had a much better subway trip to Penn Station. Once I figured out my train info, I waited in the NJ Transit waiting area.
So, this image I encountered stepping of the Jersey Transit will NEVER escape my memory.EVER. A shades-on Laura Vigilante, blasting "Born This Way" from the driver-seat of a yellow convertible bug.
After spending an adventurous weekend with Vidgster and the family, I was actively paying for a weekend of frivolity in the computer lab. Purfusely sweating, having just sprinted from the subway from work and already ten minutes late for class, I was trying to print my homework for class in Lerner computer lab...when naturally, I noticed this cute guy sitting next to me. However, due to my lateness, I quickly forgot about his presence.
"Damn- ittttt!" I exasperatedly hissed.
The freakin' printers would conveintly decide to not work now...ughhhh
Banging on computer keys while listening to Eminem under my noise-canceling headphones, I hardly noticed the cute guy leave.
FINALLY. My papers were printing. There is a god.
Frantic with hyteric adreneline and caffiene, I shoved my various belongings into my tattered bag. Suddenly the computer lab door opened again, and the cute came right at me...he dropped a piece of folded noteboook paper on top of my books and swiftly left. Startled and slightly puzzled, I froze just looking at the crumpled piece of paper that I hastily smushed in my pocket. Later, during my 4 hour poetry class (we discussing a poem about a debatably symbolic trout...for 2 hours. NOTE: sometimes a fish poem is just a fish poem, people!) I un-crinkled the luke-warm paper wad. It read:
I didn't know how to start a convo. with a stranger in the comp. lab (you looked mad ha).My name's Green-Eyed God (whoa, chill out people...obviously this is just a self-contrived nickname for GEG's privacy concerns.)I think you're ridiculously cute. I'm here for class on Mondays and Thursdays. Shoot me a call or text if you would ever wanna grab lunch or dinner!(phone number here)
-Green-eyed God
I sent him a text and we met for dinner the next night(which was awesome.) Since then we've had a series of (in my opinion) hilarious adventures!Hopefully I'll get to share them with ya'll before summer's over...work's been overwhelmingly(but enjoyably) demanding (don't forget the head-bang-against-the-wall poetry analysis classes ha). On another note, I"M BACK ON THE RUNNING TRAIN (aka I'm in a more positive mood than usual haha.)
Anyway...PEACE OUT.
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