coiled thick in tendriled-rope;
devoured by your lucid eyes --those hazel microscopes!
Stitches burst open,
weeping silky lies unbound.
Giggling irises seem bright
--(till you hear them speak) cuz light travels faster than sound.
So page by page; we diligently dig
--releasing quite a gale.
my bottomless pit digest’s it’s sin;
and with vodka’s help; those whispers are served pale.
It can’t be stitched-up; murmuring it will wallow--
till you breathe in that place,
nestling deeply in those raw-hollows
beneath that willowy armor yet consoled by melodies of pot-marked truth,
For faith includes believing beyond any power: reason,rhyme or proof.
And so I remain crippled,dazed yet contently aloof...
...listlessly hammering (paralyzed and bruised).
Under the general-anesthesia...
.....my heart forever musters of you.
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