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A Worthy Venue

What's up followers?? By followers, I am referring to the large number of you who I know check V-blog religiously and, upon finding that we still haven't updated, resort to reading and re-reading old posts to take the edge off your overwhelming desire for fascinating new insights into the world of N and L...PSYCH. While I know that there are a few of you who sense in V-blog an opportunity to better understand women through the raw stream of consciousness of a mouthy duo (this is the only time I will ever address you but I know you're out there!), my salutation is more of a hopeless yell into quiet woods, where our most faithful followers have understandably abandoned us, assuming V-blog is dead and that L and I will not post again. But like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, just because the front doors closed for a year does not mean that they will not reopen, and when they do (a.k.a.-NOW, summer 2011), you can bet round 2 will be even more robust than the first. We've been on our grind just like oompa loompas for the past 9 months and now it's time to get back after it on the adventure front. Without further flowery introductions, here comes my update # 1...Bloomington Indiana.

My track season is still ongoing, at least for two more days, as I am here to race the 10k in the NCAA East Regional Championships. I, along with half of the competing squad, arrived in the corn state early this afternoon and damn does it feel good to get out of New York!! I honestly was not looking forward to traveling to Indiana at all (West Regionals are in Eugene, so you know we got the sucky end of that deal!). But, to my pleasant surprise, I have noticed my mood rising ever since we got here. The weather is awesome, not only for aesthetics but also for practicality. I understand now why old people move to Florida and Palm Springs because this heat has worked wonders for my old-woman-like hips (tight, sore, out of balance...they've been giving me hell all winter and spring, but not today!). I also got to run on more grass than I have seen since I was home, reminding me that fields are meant to be run on and experienced, rather than marked with a foreboding red flag that means "look but don't touch or the portly campus security guards will come get you." We found a delicious AND affordable restaurant, made even more affordable by an unsuspecting corner of cardboard in my sauteed spinach, which I honestly didn't mind at all but on account of which my waitress apologized profusely and comped my meal. (#winning!)

In the picture above you will find the most disturbing detail of the trip thus far--a mutilated American flag, flapping at full mast just two blocks from our hotel. Now, I am not an expert on patriotic etiquette, but I'm pretty sure flags are different from your favorite pair of jeans...in other words, destroyed is not the new trendy. I'm not sure how well you can see it from the pixely snapshot via my second rate smartphone, but that star-spangled banner is ripped all the way to the stars. I'm not sure how to interpret it because I have only just arrived, but I will be here for 6 days, so I will report back on any more anti-USA omens or possible explanations.

I should probably get to bed as Jackie will be returning soon and we have two choices for place of slumber this evening--a queen sized normal bed or a miniature pull-out that can't be much more than 4 1/2 feet long. The bed situation has cause such a debacle that the coaches purchased extra hotel rooms this afternoon. Some sprinters were given rooms of their own in this hotel but Jackie and I will be switching hotels tomorrow. Tonight however, one person has to take the doll-bed and perhaps if I am already asleep by the time she gets back from watching Biggest Loser, that awkward decision will have made itself.

Welcome back summer and welcome back to the world of V.

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