So...I have no clue what happened, but the first post I put online for the summer...mysteriously disappeared. I'm currently running a thorough investigation to solve this anomaly (although it's probably all for the best...considering the entire post was written under a heavy influence of Nyquil ha.) Anyway...hmmm where to begin...Well, first off N and I are going to be separated this summer, but no worries, even though N isn't known for her natural-prowess in long-distance relationships; (ha)I'm confident our relationship will strengthen and grow in palpable/ magnetic/intangible ways haha.
So, what is happening Summer 2011 anyway? Well, besides having hilarious catastrophes involving moving bins flying down Amsterdam, combined with continual banishments from campus facilities (on account of CUID's being wrongfully deactivated); I managed to get a SICK job in the city this summer, ( on Park-Freaking-Avenue...where I'm provided with a 30 inch Mac HD computer..baller.) Ironically, I have the V-Blog to thank for the promotion (and surprising success) of my climb up the "corporate ladder." I'm working for this brand-new company called "JumpThru"..it's a promotional/ marketing/media-type of business, targeted towards the start-up entrepenuers of New York City (ummm..who just happen to be millionaires btw). Any-who, right now, I'm in the process of planning an event, designing their websites and updating Facebook/blog/ and Twitter entries (while simultaneously editing a movie: complete with soundtrack, subtitles and special effects)...basically, I'm working in heaven and getting PAID for it.(Money in the BANKKKKKK!!!) Honestly, what kind of job requires that you be on Facebook??!! Meanwhile, N is grinding.( Nothin' new there ha), yet again in the gorgeous state of , "God's-Country"(aka Portland, Oregon.) I'm MAD jealous. I'm sure she'll keep us updated on her adventures (relatively soon), don't worry! On a more sour note, I'm currently dealing with my THIRD F*%king INJURY this year. S*&T on my FACE...UGHHHH; but what does't kill you only makes you stronger... right?! Well, while it's true that I haven't died..I don't know what's worse: DEATH...or a world without running!!!!!! haha Just kidding. Promise:) But seriously, I'm fine.Just coping with the "Annoying-As-Snot Cross-Training Wagon." ( Involving the "30-Day Challenge" sponsored by Harlem's Bikram Yoga studio and a ridiculously BADASS cycling class downtown by union square. The place is called :"Soul-Cycle" (I mean with a name like that, obviously, I'm going). Although the classes are only 45 minutes long, I emerge absolutely dripping in briny sweat.It's a beautiful thing. The classes are INTENSE. I really don't how how to describe the experience in comprehendable terms; but basically, it's like clubbing hard-core...on a flipping stationary bike. There's a D.J., a passionate instructor, topped off with carefully choreographed lighting (that corresponds with the sweet music)...ahhhh it's a sensory overload of hormones, adrenaline and endorphins, blended with a sick soundtrack over-flowing with the latest top 40 club hits, (plus a few oldies, like N'Sync and Spice Girls.) My advice? Check it out online. Go to a class. I PROMISE you won't regret it.
(Oh and P.S. for those of you who know Tansey...he's living in my building for the summer. I'm excited muhahahaha;)
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