
Victory on the Robust Summer 2010 front...

Over the past couple of days, N and I have traveled more than most people do in a couple years. Ok, so we didn't exactly drive across the country, but we saw some pretty amazing things here in Oregon. This place is freakin awesome.(Kudos to Gigi by the way, who funded the operation.) Also, (surprise, surprise) I got lost in the woods yesterday.(However, I would like to add that I found my way back home with nothing guiding me other than my WAYYY outta whack directional intuition...which seems to be operating on surprising new levels!)Go figure. We also plan to be going to an Animal Themed Birthday party tomorrow night. Get excited for the update. This is going to be the party of the summer.We plan on busting out our highly perfected dance moves made possible by our new hard- ass core routine. That's right, we can pop,lock, AND drop with perfection all the while, showing off our freshly chiseled abs that even the most highly defined roman statue would be jealous of. ( I still can't jerk though...some things never change.)Also, there's costumes involved. It's going to be epic. I would write more about the sheer awesomeness of our show-stopping threads, but I'm going to be late for hot yoga....
Ventures...BERGulary,escapades, and proclamations.

It's been awhile since either N or I have really had any time to post anything about our latest misadventures. Luckily, that means we actually have quite a few to fill ya'll in on. I guess a good place to start from where N left off, after the Pre-invite.
Victories: We love Lauren Fleshman!
Virtuosity in the Bread Business
Virtuosity \-ˈä-sə-tē\ According to my ex-Navy seal high school strength coach and owner of Crossfit Human Evolution Lab, it means: "doing the common uncommonly well."
For those of you who haven't heard of Dave's Killer Bread, I am about to enlighten you about the a massive void in your life, which, upon discovery, will ache with increasing intensity until you satiate it with a piece of Good Seed, 21 Grain, the soon-to-be-released Robust Raisin, or, better yet, a thick slice of a Sin Dawg. Camillionaire has yet to try her first piece, but already pines for it due to her online research (It was at her recommendation that I tried my first sin dawg, even though her long clutching fingers are nearly 3,000 miles away from it's holy presence in a two pack on my local COSTCO shelf.) Anyway, it's the absolute best bread in the whole wide world. Dave makes 12 varieties of incredible bread: Blues Bread (an extra chewy bread with a bold sweet flavor and crisp, grain-rolled crust), Good Seed, Powerseed, 21 Whole Grains, Flourless/Sprouted Wheat, Good Seed Spelt, Peace Bomb (same dough as sprouted/flourless in baguette form), Cracked Wheat, Nuts and Grains, Blues Buns, Rockin' Rye and the infamous Sin Dawg, a whole-grain, 100% organic, extra seedy cinnamon-sugar bread, which can be sliced up into little swirls of the most wonderful, orgasmic, explosion of flavor I have ever experienced. You have to try it for yourself because it's superior quality defies description. L has been addicted ever since she came here. She eats 4 pieces of Good Seed plain (not even toasted) on a regular basis and today, we were sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows when she exclaimed, "Wait! I have an idea!!" and ran back into the house, returning shortly with two slices of bread, which she proceeded to toast over the open fire. Crazy? Perhaps, but Dave's Killer Bread could make anyone crazy.
Dave's Killer Bread is in and of itself, the most delicious bread ever. However, Dave's inspiring story, which is printed on the back of every package, is, in my opinion, just as awesome as the bread. I highly recommend that you watch at least part of the video to get a sense for how one goes from being a meth addict and multiple-time convicted felon who has racked up nearly 15 years in prison and seems content to spend his whole life there, depressed and hopeless, into an honest man, a phenomenal baker, and the mastermind behind a small company that is now doing its best to "make the world a better place, one loaf of bread at a time." It's a cool story.
Yesterday we had the fine pleasure of meeting Dave himself and I interviewed him for our blog. The interview went something like this:
Dave: Hey, those look good!
Me (in my head): Ohmigod he looks just like the caricature on the front of the package!
Me (to Dave): Ummm...yes!! They're a country pate in puff pastry with rose jelly! Would you like one?!? Here! Take a napkin!!
Dave: Mmm! Thanks!
Ok, so I didn't exactly interview him for the blog. I have to admit I was a little too starstruck and was not expecting to see him at the the tent at the Portland Blues Festival where L and I were catering the dinner for musicians and vendors. I later confirmed that it was him though and L and I made up for our lack of photograph with him by sampling EVERY SINGLE BREAD THAT HE MAKES at the Dave's Killer Bread tent. We even got to try the Robust Raisin, which has yet to reach stores but is going to make y'all go craaaaazzy! We also got to sample Lara Bars, Sabra Hummus with mix-your-own toppings, wild salmon, mango-avocado-walnut-arugula salad, almond cake, carrot cake, Oregon berries and more, we listened to sweet music, and we got paid. Needless to say, it was a very good day.